Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Dungeons & Dragons’ version of the sugar baby is Warlock Spells 5th Edition (5th Edition). In exchange for their patronage, exceptionally powerful sugar daddies allow Warlocks to cast spells and perform other fun tricks, like communicating telepathically. You will gain a solid understanding of some of the simplest spells that Warlocks have at their disposal by reading this list.

Spells and spell slots are allotted to Warlocks in 5e (5th edition) differently, and a touch more simply, than to other spellcasters. Using the Warlock class table, players can see what percentage of cantrips and 5e spells a Warlock knows, how many spell slots a Warlock has, and therefore the highest spell level those spell slots can cast.

5e Warlock Spells

Warlock Spells 5e

In other words, a Warlock isn’t limited to casting a specific number of low- or high-level spells. He can cast as many spells as he knows, as long as he has spell slots available.

The Warlock class can learn spells up to fifth level (except for mystic arcanums, which will be discussed further), and every time a Warlock gains a level, there are new spells to learn. The Warlock can also switch out a spell he knows for a new one. Here is a list of the level specific Warlock spells in 5e.

For one hour, Unseen Servant can create an invisible entity that follows your orders as best it can. Your DM can allow your entity to do simple tasks like opening doors, lighting fires, and pulling levers. A ritual or action is usually used to cast this spell, which takes ten minutes in-game but does not use a spell slot.

Since 5e allows for easy movement and opportunity attacks are often gentle,

it is surprising how difficult it is to keep an enemy in melee. Booming Blades could be the solution to this problem. It is, however, not an option you would want to use unless you are a Hexblade. To see how melee cantrip spells compare to normal martial attacks, see my article on Melee Cantrips vs. Extra Attack.

A Warlock’s best-leveled spells (such as Hex) often require Concentration, which makes Passable a drag because Warlock’s best-leveled spells require it.

Second most damaging cantrip in the game (at least bade damage. Agonizing Blast puts Eldritch Blast well ahead of everything else), and it deals Force damage. So it is almost impossible to counter it. Due to it’s multiple attacks, it has a higher level of reliability than hit-or-miss cantrips, though it’s also more likely to deal partial damage compared to single-attack cantrips. If you want to boost your damage, select Agonizing Blast.

It’s an error for you to ignore this if you’re a Hexblade.

It’s a straight damage boost until you get Thirsting Blade. Green-Flame Blade may still do more damage in some circumstances. Even after you stop getting additional attacks from weapons. The maths of comparing melee cantrip spells with normal martial attacks can be found in my article on Melee Cantrips vs. Extra Attack.

A warlock is known for studying the spooky. A Warlock’s study of the occult offers her “fragments of forbidden knowledge that are imbued with a deep-seated magical power as she learns the occult.”

It is not a spell when an invocation is made. They don’t fall under the category of spells (generally). As long as the prerequisites are met, a warlock spell can be cast 100 times a day (or more). As long as the prerequisites are met. Warlocks will need to expend a spell slot to invoke some invocations. While others will just produce an impact without any Actions or Bonus Actions required.

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Shocking Grasp 5e

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